samedi 25 avril 2009
dimanche 19 avril 2009
The Norvins' "Time Machine" by Raw Power magazine (in french)

"Quatuor parisien, formé d'Edouard (chant, harmonica), Pascal (guitare), Franck (basse), Jérome (orgue) et Gerry (batterie), The Norvins ont sorti en 2008 leur premier album, le bien nommé Time Machine. De voyage dans le temps, il en est question tout au long des quatorze titres qui composent ce premier opus, tant l'album renvoit au garage sixties, celui des Nuggets, Back From The Grave et autre Mindrockers ou Pebbles.
Les deux premiers titres, l'instrumental "Norvin's Theme" et l'épileptique "Mean Judith" sont vite expédiés et pour cause les deux titres tournent autour de la minute, mais c'est pour mieux masquer l'excellence des trois morceaux qu'enchaînent le groupe ensuite.
"Invisible Woman" porté par un orgue omniprésent et "Fleshtones In Your Head" au jeu à la fois précis et incisif du batteur Gerry sont deux pépites, qui démontrent qu'en France des groupes sont capables de se hisser au niveau des meilleurs groupes anglosaxons. Et que dire de "You Got It Right" évoquant les Irlandais de The Revellions par la même urgence rock'n rollienne gorgée de farfisa ! Bluffant...
La voix d'Edouard, qui rappelle beaucoup celle de Mick Collins des Dirtbombs, colle à merveille aux morceaux et on regrette d'ailleurs que cette dernière ne soit pas mis plus en avant.
Le groupe reprend ensuite "Nothin'" des Ugly Ducklings, groupe garage sixties canadien (l'original est écoutable sur le 4e cd des Nuggets II...).
Le rythme ne faiblit pas avec un un "Easy Goin' Annie" introduit par quelques accords d'harmonica et présentant un break remarquable à mi-morceau avant que le groupe n'enfonce le clou avec un "Around Your World" joué pied au plancher.
La face B repart sur les mêmes bases avec un très bon "Spell In Your Heart", réhaussé d'un doublement dans les voix et qui permet surtout au guitariste, Pascal, de faire étalage de son sens du riff.
"Baby Face" est l'occasion de souligner les superbes parties de basse qui structurent chaque morceau apportant une assise qui permet aux autres musiciens de s'exprimer. Souvent la basse est le parent pauvre dans le garage, les groupes axant tout sur les guitares et/ou l'orgue. C'est sans doute un des éléments qui fait que The Norvins est bien au dessus de la concurrence aujourd'hui.
"You're Getting Old" et "Hounds On Your Trail" poursuivent dans la même veine, sans que jamais on ne se lasse, le groupe trouvant toujours le "petit truc" qui fait la différence, comme cette partie de guitare au coeur de "Hounds On Your Trail", simple mais diablement efficace !
Soucieux de rendre hommage à leurs prédécesseurs le groupe reprend "Abba" de The Paragons, groupe sixties (à ne pas confondre avec le groupe jamaïcain du même nom).
Cet album jouissif s'achève sur "Succes Story", un titre que l'on espère prémonitoire tant le groupe présente de qualités.
C'est bien simple ce disque à sa place actuellement aux côtés de ceux de The Urges et de The Revellions.
Le disque est trouvable en vinyle ou cd (comme d'hab on conseillera le LP...) entre 11 ou 12 euros à ce prix là, ce serait dommage de s'en priver !
more info:
> rawpowermagazine.blogspot.com
samedi 11 avril 2009
The Norvins broadcasts and podcasts (episode 5) !
2009 April:
April 19th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 18th: "You got it right" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
April 12th: "Spell in yout heart" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
April 10th: “Nothin'” (by The Ugly Ducklings) (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 13 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
April 8th: "Around your world", "You got it right", "Invisible woman" (RTVE, El Sotano Programa 58)
April 8th: "Fleshtones in your head" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 7th: “Abba” (by The Paragons)(WFMU – Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 6th: "The Norvins' theme", "Mean Judith", "Fleshtones in your head", "Nothin'" (by The Ugly Ducklings) (RTVE, El Sotano Programa 57)
April 5th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 March:
March 31th: "You got it right" (WUSB - Rock And Roll Dance Party - FM 90.1 MHz Stony Brook, New York, US)
wusb.fm and rnrdanceparty.blogspot.com
March 30th: "Abba" (by The Paragons)(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 29th: "Fleshtones in your head" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 27th: “Mean Judith” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 11 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
March 23th: "You got it right"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 22th: “You got it right” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 22th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 16th: "Invisible Woman"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 15th: “Spell in your heart” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 15th: "You got it right" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 9th: "Fleshtones in your head"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 8th: “You got it right” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 8th : “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 7th: “Spell in your heart” (Les Inrocks – Weekend = Top 10 – Playlist)
March 6th: “Hounds on your trail” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 9 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
March 2nd: "Nothin'" (by The Ugly Ducklings)(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 1st: “You got it right” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 February:
February 27th: “Around your world” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 8 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
February 22nd: "Abba" (by The Paragons) (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
February 22nd: “Spell in your heart” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
February 22nd : “Fleshtones in your head” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 20th: “Spell in your heart” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 7 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
February 19th: “You got it right“ (CT das Radio - Rockaway Beach – FM 90 MHz Bochum and FM 90.8 MHz Kabel, Germany)
February 16th: "Fleshtones in your head" (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
February 15th: “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 12th: “Invisible Woman” (Deutschlandfunk - Rock-Zeit Am Mikrofon / Thomas Elbern - Playlist)
February 8th: “You got it right” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 1st: “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 January:
January 26th: "Invisible Woman" (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
January 24th: “?” (Rocketoire – FM 96.6 MHz Tübingen and Ba-Wü, Germany)
January 7th: “Mean Judith” (Radio FMR – Mange ta Quaquine – FM 89.1 MHz Toulouse, France)
April 19th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 18th: "You got it right" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
April 12th: "Spell in yout heart" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
April 10th: “Nothin'” (by The Ugly Ducklings) (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 13 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
April 8th: "Around your world", "You got it right", "Invisible woman" (RTVE, El Sotano Programa 58)
April 8th: "Fleshtones in your head" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 7th: “Abba” (by The Paragons)(WFMU – Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
April 6th: "The Norvins' theme", "Mean Judith", "Fleshtones in your head", "Nothin'" (by The Ugly Ducklings) (RTVE, El Sotano Programa 57)
April 5th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 March:
March 31th: "You got it right" (WUSB - Rock And Roll Dance Party - FM 90.1 MHz Stony Brook, New York, US)
wusb.fm and rnrdanceparty.blogspot.com
March 30th: "Abba" (by The Paragons)(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 29th: "Fleshtones in your head" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 27th: “Mean Judith” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 11 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
March 23th: "You got it right"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 22th: “You got it right” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 22th: "Baby face" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 16th: "Invisible Woman"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 15th: “Spell in your heart” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 15th: "You got it right" (WFMU - Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 9th: "Fleshtones in your head"(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 8th: “You got it right” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
March 8th : “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
March 7th: “Spell in your heart” (Les Inrocks – Weekend = Top 10 – Playlist)
March 6th: “Hounds on your trail” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 9 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
March 2nd: "Nothin'" (by The Ugly Ducklings)(Canal B - Stoned Circus - FM 94 MHz Rennes, France)
March 1st: “You got it right” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 February:
February 27th: “Around your world” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 8 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
February 22nd: "Abba" (by The Paragons) (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
February 22nd: “Spell in your heart” (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
February 22nd : “Fleshtones in your head” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 20th: “Spell in your heart” (Radio 666 – Trafalgar Podcast Vol. 7 - FM 99.1 MHz Hérouville Saint Clair and Caen, France)
February 19th: “You got it right“ (CT das Radio - Rockaway Beach – FM 90 MHz Bochum and FM 90.8 MHz Kabel, Germany)
February 16th: "Fleshtones in your head" (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
February 15th: “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 12th: “Invisible Woman” (Deutschlandfunk - Rock-Zeit Am Mikrofon / Thomas Elbern - Playlist)
February 8th: “You got it right” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
February 1st: “Spell in your heart” (WFMU – Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly – FM 91.1 MHz New York and FM 90.1 MHz Hudson Valley, US)
2009 January:
January 26th: "Invisible Woman" (Radio FRO/CBA - Rumble Radio Show - FM 105 MHz Linz, Austria)
January 24th: “?” (Rocketoire – FM 96.6 MHz Tübingen and Ba-Wü, Germany)
January 7th: “Mean Judith” (Radio FMR – Mange ta Quaquine – FM 89.1 MHz Toulouse, France)
vendredi 10 avril 2009
The Norvins "Time Machine" is "disco de la semana" on RTVE.es
El Sótano: Programa 57 (06 Abril 2009)
04-04-2009Disco de la semana - Time machine; The Norvins- Norvin's theme; The Norvins - Mean Judith; The Norvins - Fleshtones in your head; THe Norvins - Nothin'; The Ugly Ducklings- Nothin'- Aint your man; The Del Shapiros - So sad; Los Guajes - Mi gran noche; The Count Five - The world; The Count Five - Psychotic reaction; Entre sombras y telarañas - Garage 60s en Canadá; The Ugly Ducklings- Hey mamma (keep your big mouth shut) - David Clayton Thomas and the Shays - Take me back; The Canadian Squires - Leave me alone; The Haunted - 1-2-5; Munks - Long time waiting; The Nocturnals - Because you are gone; Ritchie Knight R & The Mid-KnightsI- Work song; Guess Who - Baby feeling; King Beez - Gloria; Checkerlads - Shake yourself down (06/04/09)
> rtve.es
04-04-2009Disco de la semana - Time machine; The Norvins- Norvin's theme; The Norvins - Mean Judith; The Norvins - Fleshtones in your head; THe Norvins - Nothin'; The Ugly Ducklings- Nothin'- Aint your man; The Del Shapiros - So sad; Los Guajes - Mi gran noche; The Count Five - The world; The Count Five - Psychotic reaction; Entre sombras y telarañas - Garage 60s en Canadá; The Ugly Ducklings- Hey mamma (keep your big mouth shut) - David Clayton Thomas and the Shays - Take me back; The Canadian Squires - Leave me alone; The Haunted - 1-2-5; Munks - Long time waiting; The Nocturnals - Because you are gone; Ritchie Knight R & The Mid-KnightsI- Work song; Guess Who - Baby feeling; King Beez - Gloria; Checkerlads - Shake yourself down (06/04/09)
> rtve.es
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