Sunday May 1st:
Monday May 2nd:
Tuesday May 3rd:
Washington Dead Cats + Big Rude Jake + Hot Gang at Le Batofar
Le Prince Miiaou at Café de la danse
Wednesday May 4th:
Super Wagner + The Tapes at Le Pop'in
Hushpuppies in Showcase at Rought Trade shop

Thursday May 5th:
Friday May 6th:
Saturday May 7th:
Jesse Skyes & The sweet hereafter + The lords of Altamont at La Flèche d'or (20e)
The Conformists + Die! Die! Die! + Berline 0.33 + Tome Bodlin at Les Instants Chavirés (Montreuil)
Frustration + Charles de Goal + Wall of Death at Les Mains d'Oeuvre (St Ouen)
Los Navajos + Les Spadassins at Le Mondo Bizarro (Rennes)

Sunday May 8th:
Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth) + Judah Warsky at Le Point Ephémère
Monday May 9th:
Sufjan Stevens at L'Olympia
Tuesday May 10th:
Wednesday May 11th:
Lilly Wood & The Prick at Le Bataclan (11e)
We are enfant terrible at La Boule Noire (18e)
Wire at La Machine du Moulin Rouge (18e)
Hushpuppies in showcase at Fnac Forum des Halles
The Fleshtones at Le Mondo Bizarro (Rennes)
Thursday May 12th:
King Automatic at La Féline (20e)
Hat Fitz & Cara Robinson + Dusty Dandy + Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger vs Sheriff Perkins at Le Gambetta (20e)
The Fleshtones at Le Cabaret Electric (Le Havre)

Friday May 13th:
Towerbrown at La Machine du Moulin Rouge (18e)
Parts and Labor + I come from pop + Pneu + Erland & The Carnival at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Obits + Beatmarkat Mains d'Oeuvres (St Ouen)

Saturday May 14th:
Hell Shopo Sound Print + Hyperbang + Thee Oh Sees + King Automatic + Magnetix at Mains d'Oeuvres (St Ouen)

Sunday May 15th:
Mat Firehair & The Imperators of Kool at Les Combustibles
Père Ubu & Rhys Chatham at Le Batofar (13e)
Fishbone + Stuff Session at Le Plan (Ris Orangis)
Kina Temple + Sheetah & The Weissmuller at Le Galion (Lorient)

Monday May 16th:
Tuesday May 17th:
Black Lips at le 104
Elysian Fields at Café de la danse
Saul Williams at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
Black Lagoya + La Turbothèque (installation d'Arnaud Rivière) + Sonic Surgeon + Crâne + Poles + Battar (Pascal Battus & Arnaud Rivière) + Cyrom Menauge at Les Instants Chavirés (Montreuil)
Wednesday May 18th:
Barn Owl + Stephen O'Mailley + Jeff Cantu at Mains d'Oeuvres (St Ouen)
Thursday May 19th:
Catherine Ringer at La Cigale
Friday May 20th:
Bill Callahan at Le café de la danse
Crane Angels + The Cavaliers at La Mécanique Ondulatoire (11e)

Saturday May 21st:
Ami 6 + Tabloïd at Les Combustibles (12e)
Holstenwall + Miami Horrors + Bell X1 + The Pigeon Detectives at La Flèche d'Or (20e)

Sunday May 22nd:
Monday May 23rd:
Queens of the stone age at L'Olympia
Tuesday May 24th:
Keren Ann at La Cigale (18e)
Wednesday May 25th:
The Cave Singers at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Mercury Rev at Le Bataclan (11e)
Keren Ann at La Cigale (18e)
Deus at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Avarus + Mik Quantius + Jarse at Les Instants Chavirés (Montreuil)
Thursday May 26th:
Deportivo at Le Trianon
Mai at La Loge
Cat Stevens at Bercy
Friday May 27th:
Katerine at L'Olympia (9e)
The Masonics + The Sonics at La Cigale (18e)
The Adicts + Wunderbach at Le Glaz'Art (19e)
Yuri Landman - Masterclass at Folie N6
Animal Collective + Discodeine & Thomas Bloch + Emeralds then Beth Ditto + L-VIS 1990 + DJ Nightschool + The Magician + Tensnake at Grande Halle de La Villette then Cité de la Musique
Death In Vegas at L'Alhambra
The Wombats at Le Trianon
Hushpuppies + Pink Fish at Salle du Normandy (St Lô)

Saturday May 28th:
Caribou + Antilles + Group Doueh + Hifiklub & Arnaud Maguet + Action Beat + The Feeling of Love + Yuri landman - Concert de restitution then I:Cube at Parc de La Villette
Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) + Glenn Branca Ensemble + Half Japanese then Connan Mockasin + Carte Blanche + Sebastian + Busy P + Caribou DJ Set at La Grande Halle de La Villette
Moriarty + Andy Votel + Bernard Fèvre aka Black Devil Disco Club at Le 104
Sunday May 29th:
Oxbow + Suuns + Blondes then James Pants + Ikonika b2b Optimum + Kode9 & The spaceape + Hype Williams then Mami Chan / Les petites Boucles (concert spectacle) at Parc de La Villette
Monday May 30th:
Jay Jay Johanson at Café de la danse
Stacey Kent at La Cigale (18e)
Roger Waters at Bercy
Forest Swords + Ducktails + Julian Lynch at La Géode
Fleet Foxes + Josh Pearson at Le Bataclan
Al di Meola at Casino de Paris
Tuesday May 31st:
Roger Waters at Bercy
The Fall + OOiOO + Cheveu + I Apologize at La Grande Halle de La Villette