Wednesday February 1st:Indochine at Le Zénith (19e)
Rivulets + Rach Three at L'Espace B (19e)
Meltones + Lou Lesage + Boulbar at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Thirsday February 2nd:Random Recipe at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Rufus Bellefleur + Mozés + Rise People, Rise! at La Java de Belleville (10e)
Jools on Wheels + Violent Scaredy Cats at L'Alimentation Générale (11e)
Indochine at Le Zénith (19e)
Battant + The Eyes in the heat at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Mustang + Bruxelles + Bolik + Niandra Lades at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Louis Bertignac at Salle Gérard Philippe (Bonneuil)
[Festival Träce]
Cheveu + Apes Did Ensemble at L'Avant Scène (Rueil-Malmaison)
Vieux Farka Touré + Gasandji at La Clef (St Germain en Laye)

Friday February 3rd:Arctic Monkeys +
Miles Kane at L'Olympia (9e)
[French Rockabilly] Howlin' Jaws + Ghost Highway + Be Bop Creek + Little Loolie + Kathy + carl & The Rhythm All Stars +
Tony Marlow + Ol Bry + Jamy + Little Nico +
Lord Fester at Le New Morning (10e)
3 Headed Dog + Les Ennuis Commencent at La Dame de Canton (13e)
Sister Iodine + TG Gondard + Fusiller + Nox Factio at L'Olympic Café (18e)
Shield your eyes + Desicobra + Kimmo + Chaos E.T Sexual at L'Espace B (19e)
Henri Texier Trio at Le Triton (Les Lilas)
[Festival Träce]
Cheveu + Apes did ensemble at L'Avant Scène (Rueil-Malmaison)
The Jim Jones Revue + Blackfeet Revolution at La Clef (St Germain en Laye)

Saturday February 4th:Justice at L'Olympia (9e)
2Sisters + Tsunamis +
Béa Demi-Mondaine at Le Lautrec (9e)
Les Braqueurs + Black Tears +
No whisky for Callahan (with Alex, Carpet Sellers) at Les Combustibles (12e)
The Original Wailers at Le Divan du Monde (18e)
Arctic Monkeys +
Miles Kane at Le Zénith (19e)
Le Prince Miiaou + Christine & The Queens at Le Rack'am (Brétigny-sur-Orge)
Vincent Delerm at centre Culturel Paul Bailliart (Massy)
Sunday February 5th:Moslyve + Chinese Robots at L'Espace B (19e)
Monday February 6th:Les Cowboys Fringants at L'Olympia (9e)
Nat Baldwin (Dirty Projectors) + Adam Jefferson at L'Espace B (19e)
Tuesday February 7th:Les Cowboys Fringants at L'Olympia (9e)
Liz Green + Alabaster de Plume at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside at Le Divan du Monde (18e)
Alias Nautilus + D.O.M at L'Espace B (19e)
The Sounds + The Limousines + Kids at the Bar at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Thomas Dutronc at Théâtre André Malraux (Rueil-Malmaison)

Wednesday February 8th:Twin Twin + Boogers at Le Bataclan (11e)
Manu Dibango & Soul Makossa Gang at Le Petit Journal de Montparnasse (14e)
Justin Sullivan (New Model Army) at La Boule Noire (18e)
Pinkmist + Black Feldspaths at L'Espace B (19e)
Thirsday February 9th:Liz Green at Fnac Saint Lazare (9e)
Tennis + Social Pipe at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
The Run + Le Pélican Frisé + Eléphant Rouge at Les Combustibles (12e)
[We Are Thirteen]
Demi Mondaine + France de Griessen + Juliette Dragon at Le Batofar (13e)
Team Ghost +
Cheveu at Le 104 (19e)
Tendance King Kong + Vialka + Serieyx at La Cantine de Belleville (20e)
Arthur H at L'Espace Carpeaux (Courbevoie)
Nashville Pussy at Le Forum (Vauréal)

Friday February 10th:Bjorn Berge at Le Sunset (1er)
Balam Acab + Holy Other + 00000 at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
John Shannon & Wings of Sound at La Loge (11e)
[We Are Thirteen]
La Féline + Robi + Video Love at Le Batofar (13e)
A quarter to pineapple + Transistor + The Pacemakers at La Boule Noire (18e)
We Are Animal + The Jimi Ben Band at L'Espace B (19e)
The Maccabees + Air Bag One at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Rhum for Pauline + Disco Antinapoleon (aka Dan) + Pegase +
Minitel Rose at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Nadéah (Nouvelle Vague) at Le cap (Aulnay-sous-Bois)
Winston McAnuff & Bazbaz Orchestra (
Camille Bazbaz) + Ackboo at Deux pièces cuisine (Le Blanc-Mesnil)
Electric Electric + Comity + Brume Retina at Les Cuizines (Chelles)
Roedelius (featuring member of
Cluster) at Centre d'Arts (Enghien-Les-Bains)
Ladylike Dragons + Candy & Fly + Satl at La Batterie (Guyancourt)
[Festival Träce]
Tagada Jones + The Black Stout + Burning Lady at L'Espace Icare (Issy-les-Moulineaux)
Skullflower at Les Instants Chavirés (Montreuil)
Lofofora + Hangman's Chair at Le Plan (Ris Orangis)
Apes Did Ensemble + Avio + Ours Blond at SUM (Sèvres)
UK Subs + Charge 69 + TV Smith + Union Jack at La Clef (St Germain en Laye)
Arthur H at Centre Culturel L'Imprévu (St Ouen-L'Aumône)
Lisa Portelli at Scène Roger Caussimon - L'Odéon (Tremblay-en-France)

Saturday February 11th:Hoquets + Andrew Dymonds at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Mamatomic + Guilty so what? + Lonesome Bulldog at Les Combustibles (12e)
[We Are Thirteen] James Ferraro + High Wolf at Le Batofar (13e)
A l'arrache at La Dame de Canton (13e)
Rodolphe Burger + Beau Catcheur + Merparrow at Les Trois Baudets (18e)
[Paris Under Attack] Deadline + The Filaments + Street Poison + The Black Stout + 8 of Spades at Le Glaz'Art (19e)
Christophe + Alister + Guillaume Fédou + Phantom & The Ravendove at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Break Horses + Fiodor Dream Dog + Anything Maria + Sarah Jeanne at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Ultra Vomit + Dead Cowboy's Sluts + Merge at L'Espace Icare (Issy-Les-Moulineaux)
The Men + Rrosélavy + Bill Kouligas at Les Instants Chavirés (Montreuil)
Scorpion Violente +
Yussuf Jerusalem + Fagcop + Pheromoans + Catholic Sprays + Creteens at L'Inattendu (Pantin)
Housse de Racket + Blue Box at L'Usine à Châpeaux (Rambouillet)
[Festival Träce] Empyr + 23h17 at Les Trois Pierrots (St Cloud)
[Festival Sons d'hiver] La Rumeur + Ursus Minor at Théâtre Jean Vilar (Vitry)

Sunday February 12th:Nick Lowe + Geraint Watkins at Le New Morning (10e)
Genius / GZA (
Wu Tang Clan) at Le Bataclan (10e)
The Angry Cats + Burning Lady + Tulamort at Le CICP (11e)
Jonathan Wilson at Le Divan du Monde (18e)
Moriarty at Maison de la Musique (Nanterre)

Monday February 13th:Behemoth +
Cannibal Corpse + Legion of the Damned + Misery Index + Suicidal Angels at Le Bataclan (11e)
Keren Ann at Le Trianon (18e)
Tuesday February 14th:Nada Surf at Le Bataclan (11e)
La Femme at Les Combustibles (12e)
Paulette + Mev' at L'Espace B (19e)
[Ricard SA Live Session] Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws + Lisa Portelli + Wankin' Noodles at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Wednesday February 15th:Pilöt at Le Sentier des Halles (2e)
Louis Bertignac (Téléphone) at L'Olympia (9e)
Concrete Knives at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
La Femme + Marilou et les Garçons + Mystère at Les Combustibles (12e)
Rivkah + Teleferik + Klink Clock + La Corale des Moutons at L'Espace B (19e)
Didier Wampas + Régine +
Tony Truant at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Clap your hands say yeah! at L'Alhambra
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] A winged Victory for The Sullen at La Chapelle du Conservatoire (Rennes)

Thirsday February 16th:Alan Stivell at L'Olympia (9e)
La Grande Sophie at La Fnac Saint-Lazare (9e)
Moto +
Tony Truant et Ses Solutions at La Java de Belleville (10e)
Is Tropical at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
Michel Cloup + MellaNoisEscape at Petit Bain (13e)
Rodolphe Burger at Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (14e)
[Fireworks! Festival] Gauntlet Hair + Caveman + New Look at La Flèche d’Or (20e)
Les Têtes Raides at L'Agora (Evry) or Le Plan (Ris Orangis) TBC
Agnostic Front + Death by Stereo + Naysayer + Strike Back at L'Observatoire (Cergy)
Friday February 17th:Vieux Farka Touré (the son of Ali Farka Touré) at Petit Bain (13e)
Rodolphe Burger at Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (14e)
[Fireworks! Festival]
SBTRKT + Karin Park at La Machine du Moulin Rouge (18e)
Hey Colossus + Nmemotechnic + Les Yeux de la Tête at L'Espace B (19e)
Cheveu + Syntax Error at La Cave Dîmière (Argenteuil)
Wonderland + Red Yee Ball + Mutagene at Le Parvis (Bagnolet)
Lofofora + Artweg at Deux Pièces Cuisine (Le Blanc-Mesnil)
[Festival Sons d'hiver] Bunky Green Quartet + Pharoah & The Underground Sao Paulo / Chicago Underground feat.
Pharoah Sanders at La Maison des Arts de Créteil (MAC, Créteil)
Winston McAnuff & The Bazbaz orchestra (
Camille Bazbaz) + Shaka Milo at File 7 (Magny le Hongre)
La Femme + The Subs at L'EMB (Sannois)
Concrete Knives + Homemade at La Clef (St Germain en Laye)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] Gauntlet Hair + Caveman + New Build at L'Omnibus (St Malo)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] S.C.U.M + The Men + Soap & Skin at La Chapelle Saint-Sauveur (St Malo)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] Scratch Massive at L'Escalier Club (St Malo)
Michel Portal Quartet at L'Onde Espace Culturel (Vélizy-Villacoublay)

Saturday February 18th:The Shoes + Tensnake + Blondes + Hybu at Social Club (2e)
French Boutik at Le Kazimir (11e)
Be Bop Creek + The Hi-Tombs + Yann The Corruted at Les Combustibles (12e)
Rodolphe Burger at Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (14e)
[Fireworks! Festival] Tune Yards + Caandides + Arrington de Dionyso at La Maroquinerie (20e)
[Fireworks! Festival] Kode9 + Ikonika + King Midas Sound at La Machine du Moulin Rouge (18e)
Louis Lingg & The Bombs + Henchman + Deaf + Espardillos at Le Rigoletto (19e)
The Rusty Bells + Cannibal Pigeon + Seeing The Elephant at L'Espace B (19e)
Tune-Yards + Caandides + Arrington de Dionyso at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Stygmate + Pogomarto + Claque 40 + Marteaux Pikettes at La Miroiterie (20e)
Tony Marllow at Le Belvédère (Champigny-sur-Marne)
Debout sur le Zinc + Les Cahiers d'Auré at L'Observatoire (Cergy)
Housse de Racket + Juveniles + Diamond Fizz at Les Cuizines (Chelles)
[Festival Sons d'hiver]
Archie Shepp & Joachim Kühn + Joe Bowie &
Defunkt Millenium at Maison des Arts (MAC, Créteil)
Lofofora + Locomuerte at L'Espace Albert Camlus (Maurepas)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] Blouse + Loney Dear +
Baxter Dury at L'Omnibus (St Malo)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] Elektronische Staubband + Boom Bip + Simon Scott at La Chapelle Saint-Sauveur (St Malo)
[La Route du Rock - Collection Hiver] Get a room! at L'Escalier Club (St Malo)
The Cymatics +
Les Wad-Billys + Sevendays Weekend at Le Picolo (St Ouen)
Lee Scratch Perry + Mad Professor & The Robotics at Le Forum (Vauréal)

Sunday February 19th:Le Dead project + Jean Jean + Un Automne de Plus = Zalem at Le Klub (1er)
[Fireworks! Festival] Active Child + Nzca / Lines + Blouse at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator] Dirty Beaches +
Coming Soon + Dewolff at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Mad Professor & The Robotics +
Lee Scratch Perry at La Bellevilloise (20e)
Monday February 20th:Elektronische Staubband (Yann Tiersen, Lionel Laquerrière, Thomas Poli) at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Rodolphe Burger & Mathilde Monnier (with guests featuring
Gérald Kurdian from This is the hello monster! and
Rosemary Moriarty) at Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (14e)
Jordan Ireland + Tiny Ruins + Holly Throsby at L'Espace B (19e)
The Koffin Cats +
Whodunit + The Tsunamis at La Miroiterie (20e)
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator]
Two Gallants + Lewis Floyd Henry + Mama Rosin at La Maroquinerie (20e)

Tuesday February 21st:[Fireworks! Festival] Trailer Trash Tracys + Oberhofer at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator] Kitty Daisy & lewis + Lindi Ortega + Possessed by Paul James at Le Bataclan (11e)
Les Comptes de Korsakoff + Kinski Elevator + Syntax Error at L'International (11e)
Japanther + Cane at L'Espace B (19e)
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator] The War on Drugs + Cloud Control + Pterodactyl at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Wednesday February 22th:[Fireworks! Festival] First Aid Kit at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Kurt Vile & The Violators at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
Vandaveer + St Augustine at Le Batofar (13e)
Oromocto Diamond + Big Pants + Chinese Army at L'Espace B (19e)
Rodolphe Burger at Théâtre de la Cité Internationale
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator] Hanni El Khatib +
Oh! Tiger Mountain at La Maroquinerie (20e)
Thirsday February 23rd:[Fireworks! Festival] Real Estate + Noir Coeur at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
Grand Macabout + Vicoparadis at L'Alimentation Générale (11e)
Underground beats +
The Tapes (with members of The Mamalians and 2:12am) at La Mécanique Ondulatoire (12e)
Faustine Seilman & Healthy Boy + My name is nobody at L'Espace B (19e)
Black Fag + Peur Panique + BA 13 + Mon autre groupe at La Miroiterie (20e)

Friday February 24th:Alva Noto (Carsten Nicolai) + Byetone + Kangding Ray at La Gaîté Lyrique (3e)
Slove + DJs (Violaine Schütz + Jean-Jacques Leloup + Antoine C. + Eva Peel) at Petit Bain (13e)
Bouton Rouge + The Angry Cats + Steve Hooker at Péniche Demoiselle (19e)
Aidan Baker + A-Sun Amissa at L'Espace B (19e)
Deafheaven + Celeste + Hierophant + Donkey Punch at La Miroiterie (20e)
[Les Nuits de l'Alligator] Kitty, Daisy & Lewis + Lindi Ortega + Possessed by Paul James at La Maroquinerie (20e)

Saturday February 25th:Benoît Widemann (Magma) Quintet (with Stéphane Guillaume) at Le Sunset (1er)
Alva Noto +
Anne-James Chaton +
Andy Moor (The Ex) at La Gaîté Lyrique (3e)
[Fireworks! Festival] Youth Lagoon + Jessie Ware at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Scroobius Pip + B Dolan at Le Nouveau Casino (11e)
[Les Espoirs Rock] Jimi's parade + Switch to happiness + Midnight locomotive + The B-Fore + Exocet + Meskins + Bérénice at Le Gibus (11e)
Doctor Pepper's + So was the sun + Candy Flesh at Les Combustibles (12e)
Dry the river at L'Espace B (19e)
Mi & L'Au +
The Rebels of Tijuana + Natalia Moscou + Aline at La Flèche d'Or (20e)
Eleven Coaster at Le Pixi (Bagnolet)
June & Lula +
Vandaveer at Les Cuizines (Chelles)
Ten Volt Shock + Membrane + Abject Object + Jean Jean at Mains d'Oeuvres (St Ouen)
Sunday February 26th:Monday February 27th:Miliana at La Loge
Tuesday February 28th:Oathbreaker + Hessian + Nous Danserons sur vos ruines at Le Klub (1er)
The Embassy + Money + Lescop at Le Point Ephémère (10e)
Salsa Cinderella at L'International (11e)
Casse Gueule + Bitpart + Les Bécasses at L'Espace B (19e)
Mark Lord + Angels in America + Popol Gluant at Confluences (20e)
Mein Sohn William at Mains d'Oeuvres (St Ouen)

Wednesday February 29th:Sunset at Les Combustibles (12e)
Julie Peel + Hailey Wojcik at L'Espace B (19e)
Poppa Chubby at Le Plan (Ris Orangis)