mercredi 7 octobre 2009

The Norvins broadcasts and podcasts (2009 Sept-October) !

2009 October:
October 5th: "Fleshtones in your head" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)

2009 September:
September 20th: "You got it right" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
September 20th: "Fleshtones in your head" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)
September 19th: "You got it right" (XM 59 – Underground Garage - Satellite S-Band 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz Nationwide, US)

more info:
> previous broadcasts (2009 January to August)

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post "No teme" in your blog with the link to you?